Quick Track

View your shipment status online in an instant


A full spectrum of procurement tools

Controlling when and how your vendors ship to you can reduce your landed costs, plus free you to focus more on what’s most important: growing your business. Count on Stevens innovation to help you do it— without adding staffing or spending more money.

Parameters you set and forget

With our procurement program, you set the parameters vendors must follow, from transit times to routing, while we monitor the shipments and ensure service levels are met. Imagine how much time you’ll save.

Flex-Board™ Portal

Fast track to success:
The Stevens Flex-Board™ Customer Portal

Enjoy complete supply chain visibility 24/7 with our shipping and tracking system.

Hands-free vendor shipments

It couldn’t be simpler. To schedule a shipment, your vendors contact us—not you—through an 800 number or authorized web access. We’ll keep you informed from pickup to delivery. You’ll never have to worry.

Late delivery control

If a vendor is late with an order, we request your approval prior to allowing them to upgrade to a higher-cost service. Especially important for contracts with on-time guarantees.

Smart notifications and tracking tools

Our complete set of online tools and e-Notices keeps you fully informed about each of your incoming shipments—right from your desktop. Learn more about Stevens customer tools.

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Call today for a quote.800-229-7284